Book Appointment

    Full Name *

    Email *

    Prefered Contact Method

    Ideas Description *

    Please upload 1 - 5 images

    Style *

    Color *

    Size (cm) *

    Tattoo Position *

    Date for Appointment *

    Please check ALL boxes before clicking Submit:

    Design Fee

    Design Fee is paid after a consultation with an artist to begin work on a tattoo design.
    This fee depends on the artist and on the type of design. (Some works do not require a design fee). The Design Fee is non-refundable. This is to save yours and the artists time.

    Deposit Fee

    A Deposit Fee is to hold a tattoo appointment thereafter. The amount is 1.200.000 VND. This will count towards the final price of the tattoo. For tattoos valued 1.200.000 VND we will collect 600.000VND for deposit.

    Cancellation Policy

    A minimum of 24 hours notice must be given to either cancel or reschedule your appointment. This can be done by messaging the studio via our social media pages (Facebook or Instagram).

    Alternatively, you can phone the appropriate studio during opening hours.

    *** Unfortunately, if changes to your appointment are made less than 24 hours prior, this is considered a cancellation and your deposit will be forfeited.

    After Your Tattoo requirement is successfully sent to The Hangout Tattoo Studio, the reply email will be sent to your email box.
    Notice: The Email should be in your new inbox but some time it will jump to SPAM. Please check all the boxes in your email and make sure you do not miss it