More Than Just A Pho Tattoo – Broadening the Horizons of Vietnamese Food Inspired Tattoos

Over recent years we have a growing trend of food-inspired tattoos and we all know that food is love, food is life.

Vietnam is a country renowned for its rich and diverse culinary traditions and we are seeing more and more clients wanting personalised elements adding to their chosen food related tattoo of choice. Before you make a snap decision to get a Pho tattoo, be sure to read on and embrace the variety of dishes that could inspire your own twist on Vietnamese food tattoos.

Pho tattoo

Pho Tattoos: A Bowl of Tradition

We’ll start with the common choice as it’s renowned to be one of the dishes that Vietnam is best known for. Pho has also found its way onto the skin of many enthusiasts. These tattoos often depict a steaming bowl of this flavourful noodle soup, with the majority of the ingredients featured in the piece. Considering it’s a popular choice of tattoo, be sure to add some personal twists into the design to make it truly unique.

Banh Mi Artistry

The famous Vietnamese sandwich, loved by all those lucky enough to give it a try. This is probably the second most popular food related tattoo to get while spending time in Vietnam. These tattoos usually showcase the various layers of the baguette, with meats, vegetables and condiments often included in the design. The banh mi tattoo captures the essence of Vietnam’s street food culture.

banh mi tattoo


Ban Xeo Symbolism

Ban Xeo is the sizzling Vietnamese savoury pancake and it’s found its way onto the skin of many Vietnamese food lovers. These tattoos often feature the golden brown pancake filled with shrimp, pork, bean sprouts and herbs. Considering the visual appearance of the Ban Xeo it can work really well as a colour piece, rather than black and grey.

Bun Cha Celebrations

The famous Hanoi dish features grilled pork served with vermicelli noodles and fresh herbs and considering the combination of ingredients, you can get really creative with this tattoo idea. Noodles can twist and turn in a variety of ways as we know, and this can help add some flow and personalisation to your tattoo if we consider its placement. As more people delve into the flavours of Bun Cha, the more it becomes an increasingly popular tattoo choice.

Pho tattoo

Tropical Delights – the fruits of Vietnam

If you’re a fan of colour tattoos then fruit may be your way to go. Vietnam is blessed with a diverse array of tropical fruits, and some like to opt for tattoos that celebrate these colourful delights. From the deep pinks of dragon fruit to the rich yellows of mango, you can create a really eye-popping piece of art whilst embracing the country’s agricultural richness.


Food inspired tattoos in Vietnam can serve as a visual celebration of your tastebuds experience of the country. Embrace the culinary heritage that Vietnam is known for to create a truly personalised piece for yourself, don’t just get any old Pho Tattoo – push the boat out a little!. The trend of Vietnamese food tattoos continues to evolve, so to make sure you’ve got an eye dropping piece to bring to the table when showing off your visual representation of a delightful dish, drop by The Hangout Studio to discuss with our artists how we can make a traditional tattoo into a uniquely personalised piece.