Simple shark tattoo – History, meaning, Place, style and more

Discover what a simple shark tattoo means along with the history of shark tattoos. Also, get to know some placement and style ideas. 

The symbol with a toothy predator is perfect for purposeful and active individuals who know how to achieve success. Images of a shark in the simple style look interesting. Such a tattoo decorates the body and means protection from evil.

Tattoos depicting sea creatures are very popular, especially shark tattoos. These predatory creatures attract with their unusual appearance and deep meaning, which will be discussed further in this article. In it, you can also learn about where, in what style and color it is better to fill it.

Simple shark tattoo

History of this symbol

The shark is one of the oldest animals that appeared on our planet about 40 million years ago. Some scientists suggest that it is much older than dinosaurs or at least the same age as them. Perhaps this is why the shark has become an important symbol in the cultures of many people of the world.

The people of Polynesia, who are the founders of such tattoo art, believed that a shark tattoo was a good talisman against evil spirits and enemies, so they got it for personal protection. In addition, they attributed the shark with the meaning of beauty, grace and strength.

Other people living near seas and oceans associate the shark directly with its habitat – water, considering it an all-powerful and powerful spirit of this element. Thus, a shark, being dissatisfied, could cause storms at sea, a bad catch or the sinking of ships. A tattoo helped to appease it and attract it to their side, thanks to which the sea voyage ended successfully.

Fish tattoos, particularly sharks, were especially popular among Hawaiians. They believed in many legends and stories associated with this underwater predator. One of them says that the first founder of their tribe was bitten on the leg by a shark. The ruler did not die, miraculously dodging the sharp, dagger-like teeth. Since then, many girls get a simple shark tattoo on their legs, believing that it will protect them from meeting the bloodthirsty predator.

Simple shark tattoo

What does a simple shark tattoo mean?

Before getting a tattoo, it is important to know its meaning and understand whether the chosen image suits your personal qualities, life goals and moral principles. This will allow you to avoid such an unpleasant procedure as tattoo removal in the future.

There are many options for what a simple shark tattoo means. Taking into account its nature, we can say that it is a cunning, fearless and purposeful predator. The shark is also associated with bloodthirstiness and rage. Based on this, it is worth getting a tattoo with it, first of all, for strong, successful and confident people, it simply will not suit others.

Quite often you can hear such expressions as “Shark of the pen”, “Shark of politics”, “

“Business shark” and others. They are those people who are used to achieving their goals, despite any obstacles, have strong leadership qualities, and love power. 

Therefore, a simple shark tattoo on the shoulder can often be found on businessmen and athletes. The predator is a reflection of not only their status but also a motivator for further great achievements. Another meaning of a shark tattoo is self-development, personal growth, and constant movement forward.

Simple shark tattoo

Place, style and color

A simple shark tattoo will look good on almost any part of the body. Men’s tattoos are best placed on the neck, forearm or back. Women’s tattoos will look good in the following places:

  • On the lower back;
  • Under the neck;
  • On the ankle.
  • Girls can even get a tattoo on a cesarean scar to hide it in an original way.

Most often, simple shark tattoos are depicted in the style of realism, which is characterized by an accurate transfer of reality. Therefore, the priority color scheme is white-gray or even black. 

If the tattoo is associated with the underwater world and contains additional elements in the form of fish, ships and algae, it should be done in blue tones. If there is a goal to reflect the fury of a predator, then the red color hint in the tattoo is the best fit for this.

The size of the tattoo also has a significant impact on how it is perceived. Small ones are suitable for girls. Their advantage is that they look neat and unobtrusive, and if necessary, you can make an inconspicuous tattoo reduction. Large sketches that take up, for example, the entire forearm are suitable for men. A tattoo made on the entire ankle also looks very impressive.

Simple shark tattoo

Key Takeaway 

A simple shark tattoo not only serves as a striking piece of art but also carries deep meanings of strength, protection, and determination. Its rich history across cultures highlights its significance as a symbol of personal growth and resilience. 

If you’re inspired to explore the world of shark tattoos further, we invite you to visit The Hangout Tattoo Studio. Our talented artists can help you create a custom design that perfectly embodies your vision. Don’t wait—book your consultation today and start your journey toward a meaningful and beautiful tattoo!